The New York Times has reported on a recent declaration of President Obama. (The full article may be seen here.) The President has told his administration to take in at least another 10,000 displaced Syrian refugees over the course of the next fiscal year. This may be in reaction to European and South American nations vowing to take in large numbers of refugees, including a promise of 800,000 from Germany.

Since conflict escalated in Syria in 2011, the United States has taken in less than 1500 refugees. The vast majority of that number were allowed into the country last year alone. The large spike has raised some concerns among politicians representing both parties. White House press secretary John Earnest issued a statement of reassurance, vowing that intense background and medical checks would not diminish. In fact, some Syrian refugees would have to wait an expected two years to be approved. Additionally, any refugee from that area seeking sanctuary in the United States would first have to apply the United Nations and get approval there.

Is the Decision for Better or For Worse?

Some Republicans are saying that the number is far too high, and that there is not enough money in the system to handle such a large influx. One representative – Mr. Peter King of New York – even expressed concerns over possible terrorist attacks stemming from the refugees. Even some Democrats who normally support the President are stating that the decision is ill-fitting, and that more Syrian refugees should be accepted instead.

Too many or not enough, either way, this decision represents a big change in immigration standpoints. For immigrants the world over, it could indicate that United States is ready to loosen up its stance on refugees, which has historically been tightened ever since late 2001.

If you have questions about immigration law – or if you know a Syrian refugee attempting to enter the country – and need assistance, you can rely on a Washington D.C. immigration attorney from The Patel Law Group. Contact our knowledgeable and compassionate team today to learn how we can help you through some of the most difficult forms of litigation.

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